Here's why inserts are a good idea, and why you too can benefit from them!

Do you recognise the following situation? You receive your favourite magazine or a parcel by regular mail. These often contain inserts. A folder with women's fashion, a discount coupon for electronics, a flyer of a magazine... Such an insert can be very interesting for your brand. It allows you to reach the right kind of people in a very targeted way! We will gladly explain all about it.

Sounds interesting? Get in touch for a tailor-made proposal!

So what are inserts in magazines, mailings and parcels?

An insert is a promotional type of printed matter - such as a flyer, a sales catalogue, a small newspaper... - enclosed as an attachment to your received mail. For example, do you have a monthly subscription to a magazine? Or do you regularly order something online? Then you have surely received such an insert before.

Often, such an insert is also very hard linked to the content of your postal parcel or magazine. For example, did you order computer cables or some other gimmick online and did you receive a parcel at home? Then you might just find that in that same parcel you also get a leaflet with menswear or a wine flyer.

No more misconceptions: inserts really work!

There are a lot of misconceptions about inserts. For instance, it is often assumed that inserts end up in the bin faster than that they really work. However, the opposite is true: they are actually very effective for those who try to reach (potential) customers in a targeted way!

By the way, inserts can not only be used to boost your sales - they also increase your brand awareness, are a cost-efficient way of campaigning, as in fact are an indirect mailing.

In short: plenty of reasons to give it a try!

That is why it is interesting for your brand to have an insert!

Offline marketing (mailings, door-to-door flyers, inserts,...) may seem less interesting than it used to be - it is not. Promotional printing is an interesting tool to use for your business. Especially for companies that like to be top of mind with their customers, visibility is key. So the more you show yourself in public, the better it is for your business.

You can extend that reasoning to inserts. That too is a powerful tool, to get inside your potential customer's head and stay there. And especially if you can target the right group in a cost-efficient way!

Another important motive - and perhaps even the most important reason of all - inserts can be made perfectly measurable! For example, by adding QR codes to your website, printing certain promotional codes on the insert, setting up special actions via the insert... you create super easy tracking! And certainly if you link your databases perfectly to your campaigns. This way, you measure online and offline conversion at the same time!

Totally convinced? MCLS can help you with your insert campaign!

Do you spontaneously get new ideas for inserts already? And could you use some help with that? You have come to the right place at MCLS. We make sure your inserts are included in magazines and/or parcels of home shopping companies!

If you want to include inserts in parcels, MCLS selects for you the companies with a similar customer profile to that of your customers. Your flyer or mini-catalogue can then be included in these companies' parcels. This way, you reach the right consumers.

Would you rather include them in other media? Then count on MCLS' extensive market knowledge of print media on the Belgian and Dutch markets. We will gladly help you select the right media to suit your target group!

Need more information? Get in touch with us now!